The 3 Levels of Salvation: Spirit, Soul and Body
A Detailed Look at Being Born Again
And What Christian Salvation Really Means
Salvation Comes in Threes
The Three Levels of Salvation are:
(1) Justification - The Re-creation of the Spirit
(2) Sanctification - The Restoration of the Soul
(3) Glorification - The Transfiguration of the Body
These two scriptures below clearly highlight the concepts of Justification, Sanctification and Glorification.
Romans 8:30 says, “Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.”
1st Corinthians 6:11 says, “And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.” (Bold Type Mine)
The Salvation of the Spirit
Justification is Separation from the Penalty of Sin
(Eternity in the Lake of Fire)
This is instantaneous and qualifies you for heaven by changing your nature from human to divine, from Adamic to Christlike.
It is a permanent, miraculous work that God accomplishes through the regeneration of the human spirit or becoming Born Again!
Ezekiel 36:26 says, “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you.”
The Salvation of the Soul
Sanctification is Separation from the Seduction of Sin
This is progressive and qualifies you to govern the earth with Jesus during His thousand-year reign, by changing your character to resemble His.
In Genesis 2:7 the word of "Soul" is translated from the Hebrew word, "Nephesh" and means "Mind" or "Mental Creature."
In the New Testament the word, "Soul" is translated from the Greek word, "Psuche" from which we get our English words, "Psychology", "Psychic, "Psychosis" all of which pertain to the mind.
This teaches us that the soul and the mind are one and the same thing.
Therefore, restoring your soul and renewing your mind are synonymous and is accomplished by investing quality time in the word of God while allowing the Holy Spirit to conform you to the image of Jesus Christ daily.
This is what the Bible means by, “work out your salvation with fear and trembling.”
It’s all about partnering with the Holy Spirit day-by-day, building Christian character in you.
James 1:21 says, “…Receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls.”
The Salvation of the Body
Glorification is Physical Dominion Over the Effects of Sin
This is progressive and qualifies you to reign with Christ in paradise on the New Earth for eternity.
The process of Glorification begins the moment you’re born again and continues every day you live in submission and obedience to God.
This physical transformation is manifested in the ability to live above sickness and poverty in this present world.
It will escalate during the translation of your physical body in the Rapture and culminate after the Judgment Seat of Christ, ending in total victory over sin, sickness and death!
Romans 8:23 says, “…Waiting for the time when we will take our place as sons, that is, the salvation of our bodies.” (Bible in Basic English)
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Understanding The 3 Levels of Salvation - 20 Chapters - 250 Pages
It explains God's purpose for human life on Earth and what it really means to be a Christian!
It helps you understand the plan of salvation, how to lead others to Christ and it defines and explains the attributes of salvation like Redemption, Adoption, Regeneration, etc.
This book will revolutionize your study of the Bible as your understanding of the Word of God increases and you begin to see with clarity how all the major doctrines of the Bible come together. |
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EXCITES Like a Novel -
TEACHES like a Textbook
Book One - The Salvation Of The Spirit
Chapter 1 - Paradise Lost
Chapter 2 - Paradise Sought
Chapter 3 - Paradise Found
Chapter 4 - The Pleasure of His Will
Chapter 5 - The Pleasure of His Will Pt 2
Chapter 6 - That None Should Perish
Book Two - The Salvation Of The Soul
Chapter 1 - Back To Basics
Chapter 2 - Diving Asunder
Chapter 3 - Governing the Mind
Chapter 4 - Damage Control
Chapter 5 - Exposing the Real You
Chapter 6 - Preparation To Rule
Book Three - The Salvation Of The Body
Chapter 1 - The Will of the Body
Chapter 2 - The Will of the Body Pt 2
Chapter 3 - The Law of The Spirit of Life
Chapter 4 - Dominion of the Body
Chapter 5 - Authority In The Earth Pt 1
Chapter 6 - Authority In The Earth Pt 2
Chapter 7 - Authority In The Earth Pt 3
Chapter 8 - The Resurrection of the Body
You'll Uncover
- God's Purpose for Mankind
- What the Apostle Paul's 'Thorn in the Flesh' Was
- Why Adam and Eve were Naked but Not Ashamed
- Whether it's Always God's Will to Heal
- How God could Become a Man and Still be God
- What Christians will Really be Doing throughout Eternity
- What Happens to the Christian Church After The Rapture
- What Our 'Heavenly Mansions' Really Are
You'll Learn To
- Properly Explain the Gospel and Lead Anyone to Christ
- Pray with Confidence and Power like You Never have Before
- Better Resist the Temptations the Enemy Throws at You
- Better Understand the Bible and have a Desire to Read It More
- Apply Life-changing Principles to Become Debt-free
- Defend Yourself Biblically Against Anyone who Challenges Your Faith
- Forgive Yourself and Overcome Past Mistakes
- Live Guilt-free Experiencing True Joy and Peace
- Enjoy Being Saved Without Fear of Condemnation
You'll Get Detailed
Explanation of
- The Salvation of Your Spirit, Your Soul and Your Body
- The Different Offices of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit
- How Your Nature is Changed from Human to Divine
- The 4-Step Faith Formula that gives you Guaranteed Results Every Time
- How Satan Systematically Infiltrates Your Mind and How to Stop Him
- How the Influence of God's Word Changes the way Your Mind Works
- The 7 Biblical Approaches to the Word of God
- The Most Important thing to Guarantee Prosperity (NOT Tithes & Offering)
- Mankind's Hidden Curse from Eating at the Wrong Tree (NOT just a sinful nature)
You'll Discover
- The One Thing Satan Fears About You More than Anything Else
- How to Accurately Distinguish Between Your Spirit and Your Soul
- What the True Significance of Praying 'In Jesus Name' Really Means
- How the Attributes of Salvation are Applied to Your LIfe
- Why and How Your Relationship with God is Permanently Secure
- What it Actually Means to be 'Cast Into Outer Darkness'
- Why it's Biblically Impossible for a Christian to Lose their Salvation
- What the Verse "Many are Called but few are Chosen" Really Means
- How to Walk in the Power and Authority of God's Word
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Your book "Understanding The 3 Levels of Salvation: Spirit, Soul & Body" left me extremely impressed. It's quite apparent that God has given you a gift to communicate with words.
Thank God you're using it to bless the Body of Christ.
This book is well-written with accurate biblical references and powerful illustrations. I particularly liked the way you anticipated my questions and gave me clear, precise answers for them.
Truly a job well done! Keep up the good work, Everest.
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Apostle Dr. Rick Kendall's 43 years in ministry has taken him on speaking engagements throughout the United States, in Poland, West Africa, Israel, South America and the Caribbean.
He's the Founder and President of Global Embassy Network and The Destiny Group which brings Christian Marketplace men and women together as frontline ambassadors for the Kingdom of God.
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